You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.3. Paperless Picking > 7.3.2. Mobile Picking - PDA Procedures > Mobile Picking - Item Detail > Mobile Picking - Multi Bins (v2.8)
Mobile Picking - Multi Bins (v2.8)

The Multi Bins option on the Item Inquiry menu allows you to change the bin you will pick an item from.

  1. On the picking slip, select the item you want to pick from another location.
  2. Press the Item Detail button.

Micronet displays the Item Inquiry menu.

  1. Select the Multi Bins option.

Micronet displays a list of all the bin locations in the warehouse for the selected item.

  1. Double click on the bin location that you want to pick from.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm the bin location.

  1. Select Yes to the message.
  2. Finally, select Done to return to the slip detail screen with the bin location updated.